Just like any other type of web host service, reseller hosting involves offering a website with the right infrastructure and support mechanisms to enable it to maintain a presence online. Every website needs a host or server to run. The host offers it disk space and bandwidth which allows it to operate.
Unlike other web host services, this type involves the use of web servers and bandwidth from higher tier hosts the reselling it to clients. The reseller then provides the client with added features such as domain registration web programing and designing. However, the host in this case does not own the servers.
The company that owns the servers is usually capable to create the required resources such as disk space and bandwidth. It also delegates the clients to each respective reselling server. So, what the reselling host needs to do is find the clients. It is a win-win situation for both hosts.
This type is ideal for small scale websites. If you are running an individual site that requires simple host services then this type of host is just good for you. However, for large corporations that require complex websites and involve large traffic, it is not advisable to go for this type of host. In that case you need to look for a better web host.
Many major host companies usually allow reseller hosting so as to increase their profit and sales. This helps them to stay competitive in this huge market. It also allows them to cater for small companies and individuals who cannot afford expensive web host services.
Justhost Reseller Hosting Packages
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